


Qu Yuan(340 B.C.~270 B. C.), whose real name was Ping (Yuan was his courtesy name. He once called himself Zhengze with a courtesy name as Lingjun), is remembered as a patriotic poet in ancient China.


He was born to an aristocratic family which belonged to the same clan of the King of the State of Chu.


As a court minister, Qu Yuan attempted to persuade the king to promote the talented and to govern with laws and regulations in purpose of achieving "perfect ruling". He also wished that the State of Chu could, through political reforms, become a sovereign and affluent power, capable of reunifying the war-torn China.


However, the kings of Chu fell for the influence of some corrupt and jealous court officials who slandered Qu Yuan and banished him as a result.


Upon hearing the news that the capital of Chu was captured by the State of Qin, Qu Yuan ended his life in frustration by leaping into the Miluo River.


Qu Yuan's unswerving spirit of fortitude and patriotism shined through his entire life and was embodied in his literary works.


Li Sao, his key poetic work, is the first existing long lyric poem in the history of Chinese literature and a masterpiece of romanticism.


In this first-person narrative poem, he successfully created the image of a chaste and lofty gentleman by using himself as the prototype.


Loaded with romantic ideas, Li Sao was compiled into an anthology of poetry called Chu Ci (or Odes of Chu), which marks the fountainhead of the romantic strain of Chinese literature. Li Sao was also made comparable with the major collection of Chinese poems, Shi Jing (The Book of Songs).


Other works of Qu Yuan include Jiu Ge (Eleven Odes), a collection of surrealistic lyric poems adapted from ritual songs of the State of Chu. His Jiu Zhang (Nine Elegies) faithfully records his life in exile and expresses his intense political frustration and patriotic emotions. In Tian Wen (The Riddle), he bombards with 170 questions throughout the poem, presenting his extensive learning and inquisitive spirit.


As one of the earliest great poets in Chinese literature, Qu Yuan marked a turning point from poetry as collective chanting to independent composition.




As a great poet in ancient China,Qu Yuan was extremely knowledgeable. After the capital of Chu was seized by the Qin army,angry and desperate,Qu Yuan drowned himself in Miluo River. Legend has it that the day Qu Yuan drowned himself was on May 5th on China's lunar calendar. To commemorate Qu Yuan,on that day each year,people hold dragon-boat racing and eat rice dumplings. Holding dragon boat racing is to scare fish away; feeding fish with rice dumplings is to stop them from eating Qu Yuan's body. Adopting the form of folk ballad,Qu Yuan created a new poetic form called “the songs of Chu”in Chu dialect. Qu Yuan wrote many wonderful poems,among which Li Sao is the most famous. His works are characterized by beautiful language and fancy imagination.

屈原是中国古代伟大的诗人,非常有学问。楚国都城被秦军攻破后,他悲愤绝望,跳进汨罗江自杀。传说屈原投江的日子是中国的农历五月初五,人们为了纪念他,每年的这一天都要赛龙舟、吃粽子(rice dumpling)。赛龙舟是为了把鱼吓走;包粽子喂鱼是为了让鱼不要去吃屈原的尸体。屈原采用楚国方言,利用民间歌谣的形式,创造出一种新的诗歌形式,叫做“楚辞”(the songs of Chu)。他写了许多出色的诗篇,以《离骚》(Li Sao)最为有名。他的作品语言优美,想象奇特。


Our country has an ancient patriotic poet named Qu Yuan, he was exiled by the calumny, the inability to save the peril of the country, excessive anger, so Jiang himself voted to Health martyred. It is for him not to eat the bodies of fish and shrimp, one after another to the various pancake into the river, the water used to feed animals, and some ship off the water at the water beast. This has become now the Dragon Boat Festival, eating dumplings, fried cake, the origin of the dragon-boat race.

Having said that, I think of my family have been the scene of the Dragon Boat Festival. Grandmother pinch a different type of pancake, has florets, small, small starfish, is really different form. hurry to go shopping Kok, calmly took my father to buy tzu. A long row of teams, like a long queue, we managed to buy a tzu. We can see that every household have attached great importance to this holiday, people in this way to express their thoughts and reverence Yuan.




The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man,but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court.

Unable to regain the respect of the emperor,in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river. Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.



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