

Bobbie:Hello! Could I book a table for 5 people this evening? Attendant:Sure! What time can we have the pleasure to see you, sir? Bobbie:About 6:oo p.m. Attendant:OK. We'll keep your table until 6:30 p.m. K K:Hey, am I invisible? Do you think I mean nothing to you? Bobbie:What? What's your problem? K K:Why did you reserve a table only for 5 people? We're 6, including me.Can't you tell? Bobbie:Easy, man. I apologize if I offended you. All right. I'll call again to rebook the table. Attendant:Hello! Golden Coast Restaurant. Can I help you? Bobbie:Yes. I've made a reservation for 5 people this evening under Mr Robinson.Now, can I change it into a table for 6 people? Attendant:I'll just check. I'm awfully sorry, sir.There are no vacancies left now.But if you don't mind, I can add a chair to the table you booked. Bobbie:No, I never mind. Please do it. Thank you.


波比:您好!我可以预订一张今晚的5人桌吗? 服务员:当然可以!先生,你们什么时间能到? 波比:大约晚上6点钟. 服务员:好的。我会把您订的桌预留到今晚6点半。 K K:嘿。我是隐形的吗?你觉得我对你来说什么都不是吗? 波比:什么?你这是怎么了? K K:你为什么只订了5个人的位子?包括我在内.我们是6个人.你难道看不出来吗? 波比:别激动.伙计。如果我得罪你了.我道歉。好吧。我再打电话重新预订一下。 服务员:您好!金海岸餐厅。能为您效劳吗? 波比:好的。我用罗宾逊的名字预订了今晚一张5人桌。现在我可以把它改成6人桌吗? 服务员:我来看看。真抱歉.先生。现在没有空位了但是如果您不介意.我可以为您加一把椅子。 波比:不.我不会介意的。请加上吧。谢谢。

扩展表达预订 reservation 早餐 breakfast 晚餐 dinner/supper 外出就餐:eat out 午餐 lunch 宵夜 nighttime snack

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