网络教育和学校教育的 雅思作文(教育类雅思作文)


网络教育和学校教育的 雅思作文(教育类雅思作文)


The ways in which children today study. both at home and at school, are radically different from any previous generation and the Increased availability and relatively low price of modern technology have been instrumental in this change.However. I feel that while modern technologies, such as computers and the Internet are important in assisting a child's learning, this learning should be guided and directed by the experience of teachers.

There is no denying the fact that computers and the Internet are popularly used in the field of education; they can present knowledge in a vivid and novel way. The computer and the Internet can also enable students in enhancing their general understanding of how to solve difficulties in study as well as giving them vital skills in readiness for later life.However. the problems are: The information that the computer can show has to be preprogrammed and needs constant updating. for example Encyclopaedia's on DVD – ROM; Contrary to popular belief, the Internet may not be a reliable source for knowledge, since there is often conflicting information available when taken from different sources.

A traditional and long-established practice is for children to study and gain knowledge at school. learning skills in various ways taught by traditional methods. A school is a place where students gather to be educated and learn from each other as well as formal educators. At school, students' development is orchestrated stage by stage. step-by-step by experienced teachers. and their acquisition of knowledge is guided and backed up in a systematic way.

I don't believe that it will help students to learn effectively and in a long-term manner to overemphasizing the use of computers and the Internet. Rather. I feel that modern technologies can complement more traditional teaching and learning methods. without being used as a replacement for these traditions.




There is only a formal resemblance between the two systems;they are in fact radically different.



I was instrumental in catching the criminal.



She directed the planning of the festival.



We are supposed to dress up as movie characters for the party, what a novel idea!


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