


Say “No” to Plagiarism

A crucial skill students must develop at college is the ability to conduct independent research. Having accumulated fundamental knowledge, students should develop themselves into thinking and inquiring individuals capable of forming their own judgment and expressing their original insights, both in term papers and graduation theses.

Unfortunately, with massive information readily available on the Internet, irresponsible students find it so convenient to copy, partially or even completely, the research performed by others. Without declaring due acknowledgements, they pretend the research is by their own efforts and they secretly congratulate themselves on the good grades they obtain. Worst of all, th对剽窃说“不”ey seldom have a guilty conscience because such plagiarism is so pervasive.

However, the consequences are more serious than those plagiarists could imagine. For one thing, their personal credibility is ruined. College years are the most formative period in a student’s life and deception could be a serious stain on one’s moral integrity. For another thing, without effective research experiences, one is unlikely to acquire depth of analyses or originality of insights, both of which are indispensible to one’s career development, whether in corporate, government or academic organizations. Ultimately, the plagiarists themselves are to suffer.

To eradicate plagiarism, several measures could be adopted. Students need to heighten their moral standards by realizing that plagiarism is not just an academic issue but a critical moral issue. Teachers need to be more vigilant in detecting and combating plagiarism. Finally, university authorities need to tighten disciplinary codes to leave no plagiarists unpunished. In this way, universities can produce graduates who can be paragons of credibility, capable of playing a leading role in the credibility reconstruction of the entire nation.








Say No to Pirated Products

Today, piracy problem is increasing strikingly in China. Besides books, any products, like tapes, CDs and software can be copied.

It has been well known that due to piracy legitimate producers, inventors and authors have suffered losses in many ways. At first, pirated copies often cost much less than the original ones. As a result, they can enjoy a considerable price advantage despite the poor quality. Compared with pirated products, the original ones sell poorly.

Secondly, because of poor quality, the authors' reputation as well as the publishers' is greatly hurt. Moreover, pirated products may also have negative impacts on customers provided that those legitimate producers' enthusiasm is greatly hurt. The problem will evolve into a vicious cycle.

In my opinion, the government should launch more anti-piracy campaigns and strengthen supervision to further clean up the book, video and software markets. Besides, as customers, we should raise our awareness on how to use legal products as well. Only in this way, I think, can we bring an end to piracy.


Two years ago, Thomas Natrka was enrolled in Ohio University trying to get a master’s degree in mechanical engineering when he got into a dispute with his advisor. The advisor had some problems with Natrka’s thesis’ proposal. That prompted the 38-year-old student to go to the school library to look up other thesis to try to determine what he'd done wrong. Natrka was startled at what he found. Many of the papers contained obvious examples of plagiarism. He says in one case more than 15 pages have been copied and another 14 pages including typos. As he pursuit his inquiry, Natrka says he also found evidence that professors in the college of engineering technology had condoned the use of unoriginal and uncited material. “The basis of all this is integrity, incredibility of a degree from O.U. I never imagine that this type of thing would be happening in a graduate program at a reputable, accredited university.” Tom Natrka reported his findings to Ohio University officials earning him a label of whistleblower. Others though attack Natrka as a student with a grudge because his thesis proposal was rejected.


剽窃是可耻的 The Shame of Plagiarism

In order to get high marks, some students figure out all the ways, the worse situation is to plagiarize other student’s hard-working. Plagiarism is a big mistake, the teachers are always emphasizing it, but the lazy students go against the rule, they want to pass assessment easily. These students should be shameful about themselves.


On the one hand, plagiarizing means the lack of respect of other students’ hard-working. Students need to spend many hours and put a lot of effort to finish the paper; the outcome means their wisdom and paid, just as the old saying, “no pain, no gain”. While the lazy students destroy other students’ effort, they just get the job done without their own thinking; they can even get the more high marks. This is very unfair; every student should finish the task in their own wisdom, showing respect to each other.

一方面,剽窃意味着对其他学生劳动成果的不尊重。学生需要花费很多时间和精力来完成论文,成果意味着他们的智慧和付出,就像古语有云,没有付出,就没有收 获。然而懒惰的学生破坏了其他学生的劳动,他们完成工作不费吹灰之力,甚至还能拿到更高的分数。这是很不公平的,每个学生都应该用自己的智慧来完成任务, 尊敬彼此。

On the other hand, the students who are used to plagiarism will end up hurting themselves. If the students’ such behavior is found by others, they will get bad record in their files, which means they will have problem on trust issues, it is hard for them to find a job. If they are lucky to not be found, they still learn nothing, they lack of ability.


In conclusion, plagiarism is a shameful behavior; students should learn things by their own minds.


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