

1.Si.com某文章标题是 A GOAT Final for the GOAT Himself: Messi Gets His Iconic World Cup Ending

GOAT是Greatest of All Time的缩写。A GOAT Final,史上最精彩的总决赛,the GOAT Himself指梅西。标题前边可译为“史上之最的总决赛成就史上之最的他:梅西…”


文前摘要则是:After an epic title match, Lionel Messi was carried around on shoulders, hoisting the World Cup trophy in the air as players and fans sang together in a storybook(?) closing to a month in Qatar.

title match是冠亚军头衔争夺战之意。hoisting(高举) the World Cup trophy(世界杯奖杯,即大力神杯)。

颁发给个人的金球奖(年度世界最佳球员奖项)、金靴奖(每个赛季中进球最多的球员)、金手套奖(当届世界杯最佳守门员)英文分别是Golden Ball / Boot / Glove。

2.路透社(Reuters)一文标题为 Argentina win incredible World Cup final in shootout

标题中的in shootout 是点球大战的意思,用英文解释这个比赛环节就是:a competition in making goals, used in some sports to decide who will win when a game ends with both teams having the same number of points。。



It was an incredible night of drama, high emotion and fluctuating fortunes(命运起伏不定), delivering one of the all-time great finals to cap(= to bring to a climax or conclusion) a wonderful tournament as its two star players delivered command performances on the biggest stage of all.

3.纽约时报(NY Times)一文取名 For Mbappé, Three Goals Are a Bitter Consolation Prize



Kylian Mbappé twice brought France back to tie Argentina(两度带领法国扳平比分), but his bid to lead his country to consecutive World Cup titles fell short on penalty kicks(点球大战).

卫冕冠军的直白意思是连续获得冠军,consecutive便是形容词“连续的、不间断的”。上一届2019世界杯法国是冠军,这次失败了,即 fall short 了,卫冕失败。

再比如,梅开二度意思是一场比赛中进两个球,英文即score twice,也可以专指Messi scored twice。帽子戏法是从 hat-trick 译过来的。

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