


comic sketch 小品 cross-talk相声. drama戏剧 interview访谈节目. music programme音乐节目 news programme新闻节目. news report新闻报道 public affairs公共事务. real show真人秀 situation comedy / sitcom 情景喜剧. storytelling评书 sports report体育报道.. sports programme体育节目 talk show谈话节目. travel programme旅游节目 variety show综艺节目. portal site 门户网站(e.g. Yahoo!) blog site博客网站.

quiz / intelligence show智力竞赛节目 retrospective programme历史回顾节目. cultural and educational program,文教类节目 documentary programme纪录片.

电视节目的特点realistic写实的. funny有趣的. objective客观的. instructive有教育意义的. gossipy 八卦的. information-rich信息丰富的. updated新的. witty 诙谐的. sensational耸人听闻的. tear-shedding催人泪下的. entertaining娱乐的. informative增长见闻的. efficient 高效的. accessible易利用的.

电视的功能I)Television is an inescapable part of modern culture. We depend on TV for entertainment,news, education, culture, weather, sports and even music, since the appearance of music videos. 2) TV enriches people's leisure time, making it possible to get amusement at home.

3) TV enables young people to share cultural experiences with others. 4) Shared viewing gives family members of all ages an opportunity to spend time together. 5) TV helps viewers to shake off the pressure and tension because it does not always ask for much thinking.

  电视节目的益处1) To many children. TV is a great resource for thinking, imagination and creativity. 2) Great television can teach kids important values and life lessons. 3) TV programmes often explore controversial or sensitive issues, and make it easier for parents and kids to discuss them.

4) Educational programming can develop young children's social and learning skills. 5) News, current events and historical programming can help make young people more aware of other cultures and people. 6) Documentaries can help develop critical thinking about society and the world. 7) Cultural programming can open up the world of music and art for young people.

电视与其他媒体的比较1) TV is a private medium. It can be consumed in the comfort of a viewer-controlled environment. 2) It is easy to watch, and if its content does not always provide viewers with much to think about. television does not ask much of them, either: they may eat, sleep, and unwind in front of it.

3) In contrast to movies and books, the cost for which must be renewed with every new "show",television requires only a one-time investment. Once you own one, its programming isvirtually cost free. 4) Television is also diverse: at any given time, programming from station to station ranges from the deep to common issues. 5) The rich colour. sound, and location shooting of television programming make it a very sensual medium.

电视对儿童的不利影响1) Television can affect learning and school performance if it cuts into the time kids need for activities. These activities are usually crucial to healthy mental and physical development. 2) Most of children's free time, especially during the early formative years, should be spent in activities such as playing, reading, exploring nature, learning about music or participating in sports. 3) TV viewing is a sedentary activity, and has been proven to be a significant factor in childhood obesity..

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