

A:Why don't we get something to drink?我们去喝点东西好吗?

B:That's fine with me,正合我意。

A:Will you have anything to drink. sir?先生,喝点什么吗?

B:OK. I'll have whiskey.是的。喝点威士忌。

A: What kind of drink would you like?你喜欢喝什么饮料?

B : A Sprite with ice. please.请来杯加冰的雪碧。

A: Do you have coffee or tea?你们这儿有咖啡或者茶吗?

B : Yes. we have both. Which do you prefer?是的,我们都有。您想要喝哪个?

A : Would you like tea or coffee?您要茶还是要咖啡?

B : Coffee with two sugars. please.我要咖啡加两块白糖。

A:How about some drinks? 来点饮料怎么样?

B:Give me a milk shake.给我奶昔好了.

A:How would you like your tea?您想喝什么茶?加不加糖和奶油?

B:I'll like it in the Chinese way. plain.我想喝中国式的清茶。

A: Do you want it straight up or on the rocks?你要加冰的还是不加冰的?

B: I prefer it straight up.我要不加冰的。




Do you want to drink anything?您要喝点什么吗?

=What's your pleasure?

=What can I get you?

►A cup of hot chocolate. please一杯热巧克力饮料。


May I see wine list?我可以看一下酒单吗?

►Please give me a glass of whiskey and water.请给我来杯加水的威士忌。

►I'd like a Scotch gin on the rocks.我想要杯加冰块的苏格兰杜松子酒。


Our special cocktail is quite good.我们的特制鸡尾酒挺不错的。

►It's one of the most famous liquors in China.这是中国有名的烈酒之一。

►It is inexpensive and tastes excellent also.它味道很好且价格不贵。

►This wine is very popular with our guests.这种酒很受我们客人的欢迎。


Do you serve soft drinks?你们有软饮料吗?

=What kinds of drinks do you like?

►Orange/Lemon/Pawpaw juice will be fine for me.我喝橙汁/柠檬汁/木瓜汁就行。

► May一have a cup of black tea?给我来杯红茶,好吗?

Yes. madam. Would you care for some cakes?好的,女士,要来点儿蛋糕吗?


How do you like your coffee?您喝什么样的咖啡?

►Black will be fine.清咖啡就可以。

►Just sugar/cream, please.只放糖/奶油。

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