托福 口语题目(托福口语考试题库)



托福 口语题目(托福口语考试题库)

1. 便宜

It’s cheap and economical. It can help me save a lot of money to buy booksor to travel with my friend Jane. Specifically, it only costs______Yuanto_________. However, if I want to________, it will cost me at least_____Yuan. Ihate squandering, so I think it is awesome.


It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, ittakes me only_____minutes to_______. However, if I’d like to______, I will spendat least_____hours. I think spending the time saved on reading books on historyor chemistry/doing exercises is considered to be the better way for me torelax/learn more knowledge.


I can make more friends in different background/from differentcities/countries such as Japan, Canada and America/with the same interest. Wecould have pleasant conversation not only about the academic information such ashistory, biology and economics, but also about the international events. And Ican also learn some useful interpersonal skills or personality such as honesty and persistence


The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers and hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face.


I can totally relax in such a……environment. I’m fascinated to the harmonious atmosphere which could make me refreshed and energetic. I can release my emotion, pressure and uneasiness through it, and have a temporary escape fromthe academic workload such as assignment and examination.



In this set of materials, the reading passage describes that__________ , and the listening passage is a discussion by__________on .

According to the reading passage, we know that__________ .

In the listening passage, the students discuss the notice__________


In this set of materials, the reading passage describes ________and the listening passage is a lecture by a professor on________

托福 口语题目(托福口语考试题库)

According to the reading passage ________

In the listening passage, the professor discusses____________



in this listening material, the woman(man)has a problem________(main points from the listening material).The man(woman)gives him or her two suggestion. One is __________As far as I am concerned, I think __________is better. First,

because __________ Also,____________.


In this listening material, the professor describes (explains)______________________(main points from the listening material)





"Describe a person/place/object/event which you familiar with, and give reasons why enjoy it?"再简化一下就成了:

→ describe something

→ give reasons/details.


What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you to have.


→ describe a skill

→ give reasons why it is good


I would like to learn how to play the guitar if there's any chance for me. Now I can't play a musical instrument, so this would be a new skill for me.

It would be a good skill to have because I could take my guitar to parties and play music for my friends. Also, I could join a band and play songs with other musicians. Maybe I could make money that way. Finally, I might be able to meet some other friends with the same interest.

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