


1. 主语与动词之间的插入语并不影响动词的数量。

The bittersweet flavor of youth—its trials, its joys, its adventures, its challenges—are not soon forgotten.(错)

The bittersweet flavor of youth—its trials, its joys, its adventures, its challenges—is not soon forgotten.(对)

2. 一个常犯的错误:用one of .. 开头的关系从句。

比如 One of the ablest scientists who has attacked this problem. (错)

One of the ablest scientists who have attacked this problem.(对)


3. each, either, everyone, everybody, neither, nobody, someone之后的动词用单数形式。

Everybody thinks he has a unique sense of humor.

Although both clocks strike cheerfully, neither keeps good time.

4. NONE是一个特殊的单词。当它的意思是no one 或者not one的时候,其后的动词用单数。

None of us is perfect.


None are so fallible as those who are sure they're right.

5. 用and将两个或多个名词连接组成的主语,大多数都要用复数。


如: Bread and butter was all she served.

Give and take is essential to a happy household.

Every window, picture, and mirror was smashed.

6. 单数主语的动词依然是单数,即使将其它名词用with, as well as , in addition to, except, together with, no less than 连接。

His speech as well as his manner is objectionable.

7.注意一些形式上是复数,但本质上仍然是单数的名词。如politics, the Republican Headquarters.除了军队:

The general's quarters are cross the river.

8. 记住一些成语或习语,因为里面有很多特殊性。

9. 动词的单复数形式,有时候要根据情况来判断。 比如你需要根据一个容器里的实际内容来判断是用单数还是复数:一盒果酱用单数;一盒弹珠用复数。

the group 作主语谓语动词用单数还是用复数的问题:

(1)group 用作集合名词,作“(小)组,群体,集团”解时,其谓语可以是单数,也可以是复数。例如:The research group is ready to start its work. 这个研究小组已准备好随时开始工作。/ The group are divided in their opinions of the matter. 小组成员在对问题的看法上意见不一致。

注:在强调其整体性时,谓语常用单数,而强调其组成的个体成员时,谓语多用复数,与 group 对应的人称代词在数上须与句中谓语保持一致。


(2)a group of (一群,一批)用于there be 引导的句子中,其谓语形式可以是复数形式,也可以是单数形式。例如:There are ( 或 is ) a group of children playing on the sports ground.操场上有一群孩子在玩耍。



generation 若用作主语,谓语动词可用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑其个体)。如:

The younger generation smoke(s) less than their parents did. 年轻一代比他们的父辈抽烟抽得少。

The older generation is [are] always complaining about the younger generation. 老一代人总是抱怨下一代。

My generation behaves [behave] differently from my father’s and grandfather’s. 我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同。

The second generation of parachutes made in China is [are] going to be used to equip Chinese paratroops. 中国制造的第二代降落伞将用于装备中国伞兵。



1. The company was set up just after the war. 这家公司是在战后不久成立的。(《朗文当代英语词典》company 词条)

2. The company are hoping to expand their operations abroad. 公司希望扩大海外业务。这家公司是在战后不久成立的。(《朗文当代英语词典》company 词条)

3. The company produces cotton goods. 这家公司生产棉制品。(《牛津英语搭配词典》company 词条)

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