
ancient architecture古代建筑block of flats公寓楼(美作:apartment block).conventional architecture 传统建筑cottage n.村舍,小别墅[例]小屋坐落在一个隐蔽的山谷里。村舍坐落在避风的山谷中。

courtyard n.庭院,院子[例]The bedroom windows give onto a courtyard.卧室的窗子面对着庭院。

  duplex architecture双层式建筑drum一tower n.鼓楼enclosure wall围墙gable n.山形墙hut n.小屋,棚屋[例]The hut tumbled down in the storm.小屋在暴风雨中倒塌了。

mansion n.大厦,官邸  [例]The old mansion was built in 1850.这栋古老的大厦建于1850年。

monastery n.修道院,寺院[例]In winter, however, life at the monastery is quite different. 可是一到冬天,修道院的生活就大不相同了。

monument n.纪念碑[例]Mount Tai is really a natural monument.泰山真是一座自然的纪念碑。

neo一classic architecture新古典式建筑office block办公楼pagoda n.塔  [例]You can travel to the top of the pagoda via a wooden staircase,where you can enjoy the whole view of the city. 你可以通过一个木楼梯爬到塔顶,在那里你可以欣赏到整个城市的风光。

palace n.宫,宫殿[例]The Summer Palace is a splendid historical heritage.颐和园是出色的历史遗产。

passage n.走廊,通道[例]A narrow passage leads directly through the house into the garden behind. 一条狭窄的走廊直接穿过房子,通向后花园。

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