


Do you play games?


Yes,I do. After a whole day work or study,I like to play games to relax my body and refresh my mind.


★relax one's boy 放松身体

★refresh one's mind 振奋精神

What kind of games do you like to play?Do you prefer outdoor games or indoor games?


For most of the time, I like to play indoor games, like card games, table top games,video games, etc. However, sometimes, when I feel bored of staying at home, I will find some friends to play outdoor games together.


★card games纸牌游戏

★table top games桌游

★videos games电子游戏

  Do you play video games?Did you play video games when you were a child?What indoor games did you play when you were a child?


I used to play video games when I was pretty young. Those lovely characters in different video games were my best playmates in the childhood, like Super Mario, Ninja Turtles, etc. Now, I seldom play video games because my daily work and study keep me very busy and tied up.


★character 角色

★playmate 玩伴

★Ninja Turtles忍者神龟

★tie up紧绷

Do you think computer games are good for children?


The original intention of designing computer games is innocent, as playing games indeed requires a lot of intelligence and the coordination of both hands and eyes. But the real problem is that children always lack of self control and self discipline. Therefore, many children get addicted to computer games.


★original intention初的意图

★innocent 无罪的

★intelligence 智慧

★self control and self discipline 自控和自律

★get addicted to 沉迷于


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